The CPST in line with its workplan, responded to a request by the County Assembly of Kisumu and mounted a training program on Parliamentary Practices and Procedures between the 25th to the 28th March, 2024. The program attracted 65 participants including the Speaker Hon. Elisha Jack Oraro, the Deputy Speaker, Assembly leadership and Members of the Assembly.
The training was facilitated by experienced legislative practioners including serving officers in the National Assembly and the Senate. The CPST also included a former parliamentary leader the Hon. Samuel L. Poghisio EGH, who highlighted experiences and practices that made legislatures strong oversight institutions. Noting that the understanding of Parliamentary Practices and Procedure as a vital ingredient in building an effective Assembly.
The Executive Director CPST, Prof. Nyokabi Kamau EBS, reiterated the importance of change management and life after politics. She further emphasized on the importance of members “having a soul” in their work and placing the needs of the people who elected them before self. The CPST is committed to fostering meaningful partnerships in the area of legislative support and capacity building with the county assembly of Kisumu to drive positive change and create impactful solutions for our communities.
The Speaker of the Assembly recognized the centrality of the CPST in building the capacity of legislatures more so the County Assemblies. He urged the CPST to continue designing capacity building programs that will respond to current challenges in the legislatures.

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