CPST Board retreats to review Centre’s Strategic Plan

The CPST Board led by the Chairperson Hon. Rachel Ameso retreated between the 11th – 14th April, 2024 to review on the strategic direction of the CPST. Every discussion and decision made during this retreat will play a great role into the direction that CPST will take. The Executive Director CPST, Prof Nyokabi Kamau, extends her gratitude to the dedicated board members for their commitment and passion towards the success of the institution.
During the retreat, the Board deliberated on various matters including the CPST Strategic Operational Plan 2023-2030, which gives the implementation focus by the CPST against the PSC Strategic Plan 2019 – 2030. They further deliberated on the Proposed CPST Fellowship program which once implemented will be critical in knowledge management and promoting the ideals of parliamentary democracy.

Legislative skills: County Assembly of Kisumu Trained on Parliamentary Practice and Procedures

The CPST in line with its workplan, responded to a request by the County Assembly of Kisumu and mounted a training program on Parliamentary Practices and Procedures between the 25th to the 28th March, 2024. The program attracted 65 participants including the Speaker Hon. Elisha Jack Oraro, the Deputy Speaker, Assembly leadership and Members of the Assembly.
The training was facilitated by experienced legislative practioners including serving officers in the National Assembly and the Senate. The CPST also included a former parliamentary leader the Hon. Samuel L. Poghisio EGH, who highlighted experiences and practices that made legislatures strong oversight institutions. Noting that the understanding of Parliamentary Practices and Procedure as a vital ingredient in building an effective Assembly.
The Executive Director CPST, Prof. Nyokabi Kamau EBS, reiterated the importance of change management and life after politics. She further emphasized on the importance of members “having a soul” in their work and placing the needs of the people who elected them before self. The CPST is committed to fostering meaningful partnerships in the area of legislative support and capacity building with the county assembly of Kisumu to drive positive change and create impactful solutions for our communities.
The Speaker of the Assembly recognized the centrality of the CPST in building the capacity of legislatures more so the County Assemblies. He urged the CPST to continue designing capacity building programs that will respond to current challenges in the legislatures.

CPST hosts Canadian Speaker, roots for collaboration with the House of Commons

The Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) Board Chairperson has expressed the Centre’s interest in exploring areas of collaboration and exchange of best parliamentary practices with the Canada’s House of Commons, in a move geared towards enhancing the capacity of Members of Parliament and Parliamentary staff.
Speaking when she led Board Members in receiving the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons Rt. Hon. Gregory Fergus on April 4, Hon. Ameso noted that strong and cordialities with the Canadian parliament are crucial for bolstering global democracy, good governance, peace, and security. “We would appreciate a structured process of engagement with the House of Commons for our Members whenever they attend the annual McGill parliamentary programme”, she told the delegation.
She further called for the Canadian Government’s intervention in making visa issuance for legislators and staff attending those programs easier, noting that hurdles towards visa processing had at times stood in the way of effective planning for the program. “We would be glad if the process of visa issuance can be made easier. Last year the visas were issued just a few days to the travel which makes it very difficult to plan”, she noted.
Speaker Fergus was in the country for a four-day visit to the Parliament of Kenya, where he held talks with the Speaker of the National Assembly the Rt. Hon. Moses Wetang’ula and other Members of the National Assembly leadership.
The CPST intends to formally collaborate with the Parliamentary Centre in Ottawa Canada through the Africa Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) to implement the ILGRP project which aims at ensuring that both houses of Parliament through Parliamentary Service
Commission of Kenya implement policies that are gender responsive. Some notable projects that the CPST and the CPST have undertaken include: staff training programs, curriculum development, continuous capacity building programs such as the annual training of trainers (ToT) and joint benchmark visits that enrich both institutions. While assuring the CPST of the Canada’s willingness to collaborate with the Centre, Speaker Fergus acknowledged that indeed there is a lot that both Parliaments can learn from each other. To nav i g a t e t h e issues of gender responsiveness, Speaker Fergus invited the CPST Board Members to always ask the question “Who is not at the table,” arguing that it is one of the ways to include everyone. Accompanying Fergus was Christopher Thornley, the Canadian High Commissioner, his Deputy, Richard Cannings (MP), Arielle Kayabaga, and Alexiand Brunelle-Duceppe (MP).
The delegation also got an opportunity to visit the ongoing construction of the new CPST Complex in Karen. Present during this visit was Parliamentary Service Commission Vice-chair, Sen. Joyce Korir, CPST Board Members Hon. Faith Gitau, Hon. Mishi Mboko, Hon.Patrick Makau, the Director General, Parliamentary Joint Services, Mr. Clement Nyandiere, the National Assembly Deputy Clerk, Mrs. Serah Kioko and the Executive Director CPST, Prof Nyokabi Kamau.